A young woman smoking a bongWhat is a gravity bong?

If you’ve just paid a visit to our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana and made a few purchases, and you are looking for a way to amp up your cannabis experience, a gravity bong might be a good option. If you’ve never heard of a gravity bong, or sometimes called a ‘geeb’ for short, know that it can be used to get a powerful high. Some might find it too intense as beginners, however, so it is important to know your limits going in.

A gravity bong, by definition, is a bong that works by submerging a bottle or chamber topped with a bowl of weed into a larger bottle or container of water. Then, the bowl is lit and the bottle slowly draws out, filling the chamber with smoke. From there, the smoker will unscrew the lid, put their mouth on the opening, and gravity works to fill their lungs with weed smoke.

If this is your first attempt, keep some water close by just in case the first sensation is too much!


Does a gravity bong affect the type of high?

Yes, it does. This is definitely a more intense smoking experience than a typical bong or joint. Normally, gravity bongs are larger than regular bongs, so even one hit has a greater amount of smoke. Not to mention that by taking smoke directly into the lungs creates a much faster, more intense high. 


Are they worth the effort to make or buy?

If you are a newbie to cannabis or have a low tolerance, a gravity bong isn’t something that you should worry about. It might be too much to take on. However, for the more experienced cannabis smoker, this could be an easy way to amplify your high. Making a gravity bong can be a quick and fun DIY project. Or, if you’re not the type of person who enjoys crafts, check to see if our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana has one in stock.


What kind of container should the bong be made from?

Many people use plastic bottles when making a gravity bong, however, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. Have you ever tried to take a drink from a water bottle after leaving it in a hot car? Odds are good that it tasted off. This is because chemicals were released into the water when the plastic was heated. The same concept applies when using a plastic gravity bong. Go for glass or silicone if you can, but if you have to use a plastic bottle, be aware of the risks or change in taste.

Ground cannabis ready to go into a bong or roll.

Build Your Bong

Now that you have a little background information on a gravity bong, it’s time for you to make one! We are going to outline the basic things you need to get started as well as provide some step by step instructions. While it might seem intimidating at first, it should only take about ten minutes to put together.


  • Plastic bottle with a cap (any size, but 16-20 oz work best)
  • Bucket or 2-liter sized soda bottle
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sharp knife, Exacto knife, or a boxcutter
  • Poking device
  • At least 1 gram of your favorite cannabis strain


Step 1: Cut your bottles

Use your knife or box cutter to cut off the bottom third of the small bottle. Use this as a guide: the larger the chamber (aka the less of the bottle you cut off), the more smoke it can hold and the bigger the high you will have. 

Then, cut off the top of the 2-liter bottle. Skip this part if you are using a bucket.


Step 2: Form the bowl

Take the lid from the smaller bottle and poke a hole in it. It should be about the diameter of your pinky, as this is what you will draw air out of. From there, wrap the cap in aluminum foil and shape it so that it can hold your weed. Remember, you will need to screw the lid back on, so be sure to make the divot at the top of the cap. The deeper it is, the better it will hold it all.

Without ripping the foil, use a sharp poking tool to make about 3-5 holes for proper ventilation. If you want to avoid using foil, borrow a glass or metal bowl from a different bong. 


Step 3: Prep your bong

Take your larger container (your 2-liter bottle or your bucket) and fill it with water, leaving about 2” on the top. Load your bowl with weed, but don’t screw it on yet.


Step 4: Submerge the smaller bottle

Submerge the smaller bottle into the larger basin, but make sure the top doesn’t get wet! The last thing you want is soaked weed. Then, carefully screw the lid on. 


Step 5: Fill the chamber

Light the cannabis and slowly pull the small bottle up. It should be filling with smoke. Stop when the small bottle reaches about ½” from the water, leaving the very bottom still submerged. 

If for some reason the bottle isn’t filling, make sure that the cap is screwed on securely and that there aren’t any holes in the bottle.


Step 6: Enjoy!

Now all that’s left to do is take a hit and enjoy! Do this by unscrewing the cap and putting your mouth up to opening of the bottle. Gently push the smaller bottle back down, re-submerging it into the water. As water enters the bottle, it will force the smoke into your lungs. The smoke should be cool after being filtered from the water, but it should yield a powerful high.



If you have any questions about cannabis or how to make a gravity bong, feel free to stop by our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana or any of our other From The Earth locations. Our staff is there to help and make sure that you have the best experience possible! Education is key to enjoying cannabis.