Nuggets of weed on a table

It’s a very good problem to have, having excess weed. Whether you’ve been growing your own weed or you have some raw flower still hanging around from a recent purchase from our cannabis dispensary in Long Beach, there are some ways you can get creative with using what is leftover.

So what can you do? Other than just rolling it and smoking it or storing it away for later, keep reading to check out our list of some unique ways to get the most out of your extra weed.

Bubble Hash / Ice Water Hash

If you are looking for a cheap, easy, and chemical-free way of transforming your extra weed, we highly recommend turning it into bubble hash. Sometimes dubbed as ‘ice water hash’, bubble hash is created by using extremely cold temperatures to remove trichomes from buds and plant material, which are harvested and collected to make hash.

Because of the way it melts and bubbles, it is called bubble hash, known for its meltability. Using a one to six star scale, bubble hash is graded on it’s refinement. In this case, six is the highest at ‘full melt’ quality.

In order to make even a small, potent amount of bubble hash, you’re going to need a lot of flower. Our recommendation is to begin with about an ounce, if not more. To create bubble hash, you need a small list of gear, some of which you may already have on hand.

  • Two 5-gallon buckets
  • Bubble bags
  • Ice
  • Tap water
  • Stirring stick

To begin the process, soak your bud in a 5 gallon bucket filled with ice water for at least 20 minutes. From there, mix it and stir it around, agitating the bud. Once that is done, pour everything into the second bucket, this one containing a bubble bag. 

If you don’t know what bubble bags are, they are a set of mesh bags. They are sold in varying degrees of fineness or microgrades. Once your ice water and planet material mix is poured into the set of bubble bags, pull them out one at a time to refine or further refine the trichome mixture


For another great idea that is chemical-free and can be made at home, take a closer look at making rosin. Rosin is created by using both heat and pressure. By pressing buds between two heated plates, a hot oil will ooze out. That oil is called rosin.

A simple way of making rosin is by using parchment paper and a curling iron. Though make sure it isn’t the same curling iron you plan on using to style your hair, later because it is going to get a bit sticky! 

Or, you can always choose to invest in a rosin press. They can vary in cost, but most are around a few hundred dollars. These presses are often equipped with a device to help you pack flower into neat little pucks. Those pucks are what you then press.

Once you are done pressing, remove the wrung-out weed from the parchment paper then scrape off some rosin with a dab tool and load it up into your favorite dab rig.


Are you an edibles lover? The holiday season is right around the corner, and baking is an especially fun holiday passtime. You can spice up your pumpkin pie or other favorite dish by adding in a bit of cannabutter. It will taste all the more delicious knowing it’s something you made yourself!

So what will you need to get started? The list is easy:

  • 7-10g weed
  • 1 cup of butter
  • 1 cup of water
  • A cheesecloth

To begin, you will need to decarb (aka decarboxylate) your weed prior to simmering. To do this, heat it at a low temperature for around 30 minutes. This will work to activate the weed, changing it from THCA to THC, which is what will get you high. When you’re smoking, this process is done with the flame from your lighter. However, when you’re making cannabutter, your oven does the work.

Once you have decarbed your weed, simmer it in butter and water for a few hours. From there, strain it through your cheesecloth. Let it solidify and stand up before throwing it in your favorite baked good recipe. Remember, as an important rule of thumb when ingesting edibles: go slow! 

If you’re interested in making your own cannabis coconut oil, you would follow a similar process. Cook with it, add it to your favorite foods, or even use it as a topical – there are so many possibilities!

A plate of brownies with cannabis leaf


If you are looking to make a cannabis product that is discreet, fast-acting, and easy to use, take a closer look at tinctures. They do not have an odor and you can simply add a few drops under your tongue. While tinctures do take a little longer to make than the aforementioned methods, they will stretch and last you a long time.

To begin, start by soaking your flower in high-proof, ethanol-based alcohol. We recommend something like Everclear or moonshine. A good baseline is about an ounce of weed per 750mL bottle of alcohol. 

Just like we talked about in the cannabutter example previously, you will need to decarboxylate your weed first. Once that step is done, put it in a mason jar with alcohol for a few weeks. Remember to shake it at least once per day! Finally, strain it through a coffee filter and you’re all set.

Visit Us in Long Beach

Remember, that if you have more questions about making any of these great products, don’t hesitate to stop by our cannabis dispensary in Long Beach. Our helpful staff is ready to help you navigate any questions you may have as well as point you in the right direction and make recommendations for different types of flower you can purchase. 

Remember, which flower you buy will dictate the sort of effects and highs that these cannabis products will create. With these creative options to try, which one will you start with first?